The More Effective & Efficient Way to Prepare for the JEE (Main)
Joint Entrance Examination (JEE) is a national-level engineering entrance exam conducted every year in India and abraod. JEE(Main) basically is a common entrance examination for admission to different engineering colleges. National Test Agency (NTA), New Delhi offers JEE.On the basis of JEE main score student can take admission in IITs and other institute.
To learn more about IIT- JEE please download our eBook
Prepare to Score Higher
- Practice using past released tests
- Get “Beyond Scores” insight and identify your focus areas
- The only solution to show points cost impact analysis
- Track and trend your progress
- Can’t beat the price. Pay as you Go
Socrato Test Library for JEE
Custom Tests
If you have a custom test you have developed for JEE(Main) practice, you can upload it onto the Socrato platform for students to practice.
All tests are private unless a customer has explicitly given Socrato permission to share them with other customers.
How to Process JEE Tests Using the Socrato Software
Diagnostic Report
Student Diagnostic Report
Socrato diagnostic reports for the JEE(Main) test come with a series of charts and graphs that provide a detailed analysis of student’s performance for the test as a whole as well as for each subject area.
Our learning analytics software enables students and educators to drill down by topic area to identify a student's strengths and weaknesses.
Download the Full Sample JEE Diagnostic Report
For explanation of all graphs and report detail please refer to Socrato Help
To learn what other student diagnostic reports are available click here. To see the explanation of all graphs and report detail please refer to Socrato Help
Check the detail about student reports Download Full Sample JEE Diagnostic Report.
Class Diagnostic Reports
Our learning analytics software enables tutors & schools to analyze the performance of a whole class or group of students from a number of dimensions. Class reports include
- Subject areas performance
- Performance by difficulty level, question type
- Score Summary
- Student Comparison
- Pre / Post Comparison
- Question Response Distribution
- and much more . . .
To see more details on Class Reports click here.

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