"Practice done with proper planning promotes a person for perfect performance."
Why Socrato?

Effortless Online Bubble Sheet Grading
Bubble sheets for practice tests (SAT, ACT, PSAT. etc.) are graded on the Socrato online platform in a simple, fast, and efficient manner. Additionally, there are several online mechanisms users can employ for grading of the practice test bubble-sheets. Save time with Socrata's fast and accurate bubble sheet processing, eliminate manual scoring and assessment.
Online Bubble Sheet PDF, Image Grading
Students can scan the filled bubble sheet and save it as a PDF file or image file. The saved PDF /image files are upload on the Socrato scanning application. Then the application goes through data extraction, error correction, and data submission. After the student data is submitted, then the diagnostic report in detail is created instantly.
Online Bubble Sheet Cell Phone Images Grading
The students can take pictures of the filled bubble sheet from their cell phone camera. Upload those images to the Socrato online grading application. Then the application goes through data extraction, error correction, and data submission. Students can also generate diagnostic reports instantly.
Online Bubble Sheet Manual Entry
Students can also manually transcribe answers to online bubble sheets or to pre-formatted Excel sheets. After the data is uploaded, a detailed diagnostic report is instantly created.

Practice with Actual Retired Tests or Official Guide
High School and Middle School Tests
Practice Question Bank
- Likewise, various state exams/tests are available for printing and online testing.
- Students can create their practice test from the question bank or create a private practice test.

SAT vs. ACT Comparison Test
- SAT vs. ACT comparison Test is a one combined SAT ACT test.
- Student can take this test in high school sophomores or Junior year.
- Take this test before beginning the SAT Test Prep or ACT Test prep to discover which test (SAT/ACT) is more aligned with your learning style.
- SAT vs. ACT comparisonSocrato's test is a combined 3 ½ hour test. The students can take the test online or paper.
- Once the test is complete, instantly, they get in detail diagnostic report.
**Socrato does not provide any actual tests. Tests are only graded, please view the Socrato test library for a list of tests graded in Socrato.

Deep Insights and Diagnostic Analysis
Get Insight beyond Your Practice Score
- Actionable Diagnostic & Performance Reports.
- Save time with Socrato’s fast and accurate analytics, moreover eliminate manual scoring and assessment.
- Pinpoint your subject-specific gaps and test performance problems.
- In fact focus your effort only in the right areas for the most optimal improvement in scores.
- Get transparency in learning progress by automatic tracking, trending, and analysis.
- Track and manage learning with actionable metrics.
- With each practice keep an eye on your progress.
- Understand potential by seeing the best scores from all the historical sessions.
- See the trends for your performance across the session. Get the most out of your effort.
- Moreover, eliminate the need for costly and time-consuming Test Prep.
SAT vs. ACT Diagnostic Report
- Discover which test (SAT/ACT) is more aligned with your learning style.
- Invest effort in better-aligned test and get higher scores.
- Certainly increase chances of gaining admission into student’s top choice college.
- Pinpoint student’s exam/ subject/topics strength and weaknesses.
- In fact get the feel of real test.